Lettering Lately

First, thank you for reading! Over 20,000 times someone has clicked to a page on my blog! I’m not really a numbers person, but when I realized that this week, it was a bit shocking to me! I love hearing from readers and really appreciate those of you who read, comment(!!) and share my blog! Click to older posts at the end of this one for a few random Life Lately updates.

Here’s a few updates of what I’ve been lettering lately. Also, I updated my blog a bit and at any time you can click to the menu bar and see information on Lettered Art (Click Here) including all previous posts.

One person’s trash{can} is another person’s treasure. This Mama is an up-cycler and she is going to put this can (found at Canton Trade Days) in her living room with a fabric liner and fill it with extra blankets and pillows.  The verse was perfect for the purpose “Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28.

Back to school is in full swing and these chalkboards were for a Mama sending 3 littles to school. It was fun to see their first day pictures with their completed signs. Charlie wants to be a Lifeguard! I love responses from children to life’s big questions. Sometimes there’s such a sweet reminder in their simplicity and boldness!

This sign is for a teacher at my school, she’s hanging it in her classroom. It is 16×20 canvas, hard to tell but a mint green with charcoal and coral writing. Again, the iPhone isn’t professional grade color photography and my “studio” dining room isn’t professional grade lighting. 🙂

A friend contacted me for a wedding gift for an initial shower. How fun is that!?  I love monograms and initials and I think celebrating all things new initial is such a fun way to honor a bride!

Last, this is another canvas going in a classroom for a health teacher. Such a great quote, and lesson for High School students. All of us need to be reminded importance of character.  16×20 with coral, turquoise and white.

A couple more projects are in the works and I’m always taking orders. Remember for ideas and previous posts click to Lettered Art on the home page


  1. Laurie S on August 27, 2015 at 4:20 pm

    Hi Angie! Hope you're enjoying the last month of summer – still hot in Texas? California is having 70s to 90s range, depending where you are. I'm a wimp past 75 degrees.

    Your lettering work is very beautiful – very "professional grade". I LOVE the idea of upcycling the trash can for pillows and blankets – and the Bible verse is a wonderful reminder of His Love for us (and the contents).

    Have a great day! Woof to your handsome dog! He has the right idea – play, eat, sleep, repeat.

  2. angie on August 30, 2015 at 9:04 pm

    Hi Laurie! Summer is officially over and one week with students is in the books! It is still hot, but we are finally enjoying a little less humidity…good for the hair, the workouts and seems it is cooler. Thank you for sweet comments about lettering, am loving creating words that matter for spaces! 🙂 Hope your week is great! B says hi too! 😉

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