#write31days – Oct 2 – What is WAIT?
Merriam-Webster: WAIT.
— to stay in a place until an expected event happens, until someone arrives, until it is your turn to do something, etc.
— to not do something until something else happens
— to remain in a state in which you expect or hope that something will happen soon
— to not do something until something else happens
— to remain in a state in which you expect or hope that something will happen soon
Essentially to wait is to cease doing anything until something else happens or in expectation.
It is paralyzing.
But, it shouldn’t be.
Though, so often, I have let myself get stuck in the WAIT.
WAIT on hold.
WAIT on a job.
WAIT on someone.
WAIT on a diagnosis.
WAIT on recovery.
WAIT on death.
WAIT on life.
WAIT in suffering.
WAIT on success.
WAIT on change.
WAIT in grief.
WAIT in hope.
WAIT on ______________.
You’ve probably, like me, waited on something. I have at times felt like “WAIT” is my cross to bear in life. Most things do not come quick or easily to me, and I find myself enduring some kind of WAIT. Some have resulted in hard seasons, others after a WAIT have brought great joy.
WAIT doesn’t just appear in Webster’s, it also appears throughout scripture, in fact 85ish times depending on the version of Bible you are reading. I will dig into a couple of these throughout October, but one that specifically hits home for me…
But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
“The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
Lamentations 3:21-25
So, as a believer in Christ, I know there will be times in life I have to WAIT. Good times. Hard times. But, I don’t wait paralyzed. I seek Him. Jesus. His love never ceases. His mercies are new every morning. He is faithful. He is enough. He is good to me.
Even when it seems nothing good can come. To seek him through all the days of waiting, and He will deliver, minute by minute, to day by day, to year after year.
I can’t be paralyzed in the WAIT.
I must seek him.
Even when it seems like nothing is changing.
Seek Jesus.
Soooo very true. Every word. How much of my life I've wasted focused only on what I'm waiting for instead of enjoying each day as a beautiful gift! Let my soul, instead, seek Him today. May my eyes be opened to all that He is doing around me in the midst of the wait. He never wastes a minute!