I was never a reader. In fact, I sold a collection of Cliff Notes back after college, because that’s how I did my college “reading”.
But, the older I’ve gotten I have gained a love for reading. (This might be my highest achievement to my Librarian Mom.) 🙂 My reading typically picks up in the summer because I’m by a pool most weekends and usually have a book with me. This summer, having every day as a pool option, reading a book a week was of my Summer To-Do list, and I’ve made it through 11 books so far. Some great, some good, some not so good and some life changing.
Throughout the summer, I’ve also seen several new books that have just released or are coming up soon. Here’s a few on my list for fall. I also need an Amazon gift card! Ha!
Sometimes “yes” isn’t always the right answer. Learning to say “no” is hard, but one of
the best lessons in life. This book can also be done as a Bible Study.
I recently posted this quote from her book…
“Say yes to the situations that stretch you and
scare you and ask you to be a better you thatn you think you can be.”
Challenged? Me too! Scary? Yes! Let’s be brave!
Recommended by someone I admire, and on the verge of a new venture (Coming Soon)
I can’t wait to read this one! Trusting your instincts and following your gut.
Scary? See above – yes to the right things and brave. 🙂
I’ve been a fan of Jen’s blog, specifically she is hilariously authentic.
Sometimes life gets interrupted and sometimes we need to have our lives interrupted. This is a re-release of her book, she says with lots of editing and additional content.
Your story matters. This has been a significant word to me this summer.
No matter how insignificant or ordinary you might think your story is, it matters.
I’ve read Kelly’s books/Bible Studies before, and am excited to read this book.
I happened to catch it on a flash sale FREE for Kindle and just started it at the nail salon this week.
All pictures and links from Amazon.com.
Most of these books are also sold in Barnes & Noble, Lifeway and other local/church bookstores.
These are my version of “self help” books, most are Biblically based and reference scripture throughout. Reads that challenge me, refine me, push me out of my comfort zone and teach me. The writers aren’t the end-all-be-all, they are just a messenger. They can’t replace the Bible, but the truths they write speak to me as a supplement to my Bible study.
A few other authors I love….Jennie Allen, Angie Smith, Melanie Shankle, Ann Voskamp and for Bible Studies…Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Angela Thomas just to name a few if you’re looking for good reads/studies.
I’m typically reading more than one book at a time, shocking I know considering the Cliff Notes comment above! One of these types of books and a “lighter” book…fiction, historical fiction or chic-lit. Have a favorite you’ve read lately? Share it!
Book worms unite,