What I’m Wearing ~ 05.15.15 {the end is near}

I’ve been trying to push down the urge to live and die by the Countdown to Summer, but at the end of this week just 12.5 days remain. Most importantly that means only 12 more days to make my lunch and wash out my lunch dishes after school. I eat pretty much the same thing every day for lunch, and it’s 4 little containers to wash out every day.  Isn’t it funny how we can loathe something that only take 2 or 3 minutes to do.  I can put it off like it’s a 2 day project like a champion. Speaking of Champions, our Houston Rockets are playing for Western Conference Champions! I can remember {20} years ago when they won the Championship 94 and 95, so here’s hoping for a repeat.  

Disclaimer: What I’m Wearing is in hopes inspiration for your closet, that I can give you some ideas from what I’m wearing. What fits you doesn’t always fit me. What fits me, doesn’t always fit you. So, we all know the style of jeans that work best for us, the brands of shoes we love, etc. I’m not a “linker” to buy all of these outfits here. Truth be told, a lot of my clothes are many many years old and I pick up things all around the place. I’m don’t update my wardrobe every season with the latest and greatest. I don’t have signed up for Pinterest, so if there’s something you like, you can “pin it” to save. Hopefully you’re just inspired, maybe by something you have and didn’t think about putting it together or maybe you are just looking for a simple accessory to add in and these posts can give you some ideas.

Monday the weather was still allowing for a tank and cardigan, and if you’ve been here all year, this was also worn the very first week back to school!  I love white, gray, gold and cognac all together! White jeans are tricky and I got lucky with these, someone must have returned them to my local GAP because they were a tall, and in my size and not see-through. Even though I’ve ordered several pairs over the years from GAP, they never worked like these do.

It has been said before, but I love a maxi skirt and/or maxi dress. A school friend recently said “the dress is like an adult onesie, only requires shoes and you’re ready”.  She’s right. And, to be clear, let’s not confuse the dress with the romper/jumpsuit, another option of adult onesie, truly tricky like the baby onesie with buttons and snaps and such.  These beads I’ve mentioned before, $7 at your local Walmart in all your favorite colors, including mine – bright green!  I of course had my “old-lady-cardigan” sweater on the ready for the varying temps in the classroom, but surprisingly only wore it for about 2 class periods!

Speaking of dresses, we had school awards Tuesday night and I took the tags off this navy dress from Marshall’s.  Original price tag $238.  I paid $50 for it.  It is such a pretty dress (in my opinion) and classic navy blue.  The pin-tucks at the neckline are simple detail, easily worn alone or with a necklace (I would probably wear pearls or statement necklace).  This is one of those dresses I picked up to save, I didn’t know when I would need it, and I don’t buy too often like that, but it is a classic and timeless dress and I foresee wearing it for years to come. One of those that prove elusive when you really need to find it and abundant when there is no need for a dress. In case you missed it, I wrote about several dress options recently, click to read. Keeping it real…I jogged after school, laid on my floor for a little too long trying to cool off, then showered/washed my hair extra quick and ate this piece of pizza on the run while finishing up/getting ready to walk out the door.  And, Barney wasn’t quite sure of the 6:15-6:45 whirlwind going on! 

Wednesday was simple, black cropped pants, cardigan and statement necklace.  Pink and green are a favorite summer color combo and pairing this with a white v-neck was effortless. That could also have to do with the fact I was a little sleepy from staying up to watch the Rockets Tuesday night and the beginning of their comeback victory run!  Cardigans are on sale lots of places right now, but Spring colors abound and when you’re in the south they are perfect for summer when it’s sweltering outside (tank top) and below zero inside due to excessive AC (cardigan)!

These pants are several years old and I picked them up from a seller on the porch of a building in Round Top during Antiques Week. They were way before their time and the “palazzo pants” trend, but something different than I’ve ever had AND long enough for me, so I HAD to get them.  I’ve worn them with sandals, flip flops and cowboy boots. The shirt is borrowed from the boys section, a “perk” of being tall, the men’s small is a perfect fit at a fraction of women’s tall “boyfriend” shirts and it’s the real deal. Now, if I could just find the real deal in a real boyfriend…but that’s for another day…

Ending the week with Friday spirit day, which is getting more and more casual comfortable as the year comes to a finish. However, my favorite part of this day was my new earrings from a sweet family I babysit for often. The card was so dear to me, a thank you for being a part of their village in raising kids and the sweet note from their 6-year old son almost did me in. The earrings were icing on the cake. Every time I wear them I will think of the blessings that I have in sharing life with so many families and their sweet littles, especially these 2. 

Realized at the end of this week there is only one more 5-day week of school.  And, the remaining days numbers will soon be in the single digits.  I know parents and students are “over it” and ready to be done.  I’m trying to keep my classes headed for a strong finish with some fun projects and I’m looking forward to seeing what they come up with!  (Disclaimer: they do their projects in class and it’s not for the science fair/homework.)

Keep pressing on,


  1. Laurie S on May 20, 2015 at 2:18 pm

    Hi Angie – Your Houston Rockets are playing my Golden State Warriors (I'm from the SF Bay Area, CA). Love the green maxi dress (i.e. adult onesie, LOL) , the green statement necklace, and the navy dress is beautiful classic! Enjoy the countdown!

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