#write31days – Oct 25 – WAIT, what’s been going on?
If you’re following Texas weather, it’s still raining here, 27 or so hours straight and counting. Fortunately, it’s been a slow and steady rain, so there has been minimal flooding and the Houston bayous seem to be doing their job. A good soaking rain is worth WAITing for, and hopefully will help out the drought conditions. My church made the call to cancel services last night, so this is the first Sunday in a long time I’m still in my PJs at 1pm. Our church meets in a school, so weekly our staff and set up volunteers unload and set up church, everything from band equipment to a baby nursery, so I do hope they have enjoyed a day of rest today.
The weather cooled off a bit this week and I squeezed in a couple of outside workouts, which is my favorite in the fall. Honestly towards the end of summer this year I thought I might never jog again. I would feel so wrung out and defeated after the days I did jog and thought maybe at 39 it’s time for me to hang it up and become a full time walker. Then the humidity dropped and the temps dropped a few degrees and I jogged and remembered how much I love just 3 or 4 miles and so I am not giving up on it quite yet…
Tuesday one of my sweet besties had a craft night at her house. I’m going to call it that one day this will be a business for her! She is incredibly talented, teaching is her gift and that will combine perfectly for Craft Workshops. I had a late work meeting, hour drive home and was late the party, so didn’t end up crafting. But, I had an hour or so that I held a sweet 2 month old baby while his Mama did some crafting.
Wednesday night I had dinner out with one of my besties and her 2 littles since her husband was out of town. I love a good chat over a meal! Quality time is my language and nights like that at a table are always a gift to me!
Thursday was a birthday party for a friend, another night at a table and catching up with friends I don’t get to see very often.
Saturday I watched the Arkansas football game with a friend. I’ve never seen a game go into 4 OT’s, but this one did and Arkansas came out on top! All in all this week was full, but it was the best kind of full, the kind that makes me remember all the people in my life, the seasons that brought them there. Many have walked through seasons of WAITing with me, I’ve WAITed with them and life has taught us all lessons along the way.
I didn’t really take too many pictures this week. I’ve read a few things lately to remind me about being in the moment vs. seeing life through the lens of a device. I know pictures make a blog post more interesting for the reader, but this week I did try to really be present, phone away, thankful for the gift of time with each of these friends.