Moving: the final decorating projects
My new place is definitely feeling 100% like home, and I’ve been working on the last couple of projects to finish up decorating. Things that got put to the side after move in and unpacking/decorating (click here for more) and a couple of months of non-stop going.
One of my sweet besties gave me this photo frame (chicken wire is the entire inside) and it used to hang at my door in my old place, first thing I saw when I walked in. I love pictures and memories and it was always a favorite. In my new place it hangs on a wall between my TV armoire and a window and I see it every time I sit (read: lay down) on my couch. It needed some updating, so recently printed some new pictures and over the weekend I re-arranged and added and updated. This frame is stuffed full of memories: family, littles, besties, favorite sayings and verses and makes me happy every time I look at it. Below it are 4 pieces from a collection (more hang in my bedroom) of abstract art with inspiring words.

I mentioned before about the desk we built, but I hadn’t taken the time to stain a shelf I found or put the rest of my things on the wall in this corner. A couple of weeks ago on a sunny day I got my saw horses out again and stained the shelf and then finally got it hung up with few other things on the wall. As I was updating/rearranging pics that would go on the magnetic board below the shelf I took one off and another one fell out from behind it. It was one of those pictures that was taken on one of my very favorite days. But, that person isn’t in my life anymore, hence why it was behind another and it stung just a little when I saw it again. But, reminded, favorite days are good memories, but much like the blank wall before I started, this is new space, new memories to be made, and there’s always room for more favorite days are ahead.

Just for fun, here’s Mom and I at the silos and when we met Clint Harper, who’s shop had such cool wood pieces and also the most dreamy table setting with wood and metal placemats.
(PS – My T is from Nashville for Africa event, all about that here.)

And finished! Also, can finally see the rug I have in the dining room. It is my favorite shade of green and found it walking through Home Goods one day after I moved, when I was actually looking for new bathroom rugs. After looking for new bathroom rugs for over 2 months now I’ve just about resolved that finding a “bath runner” rug to go in front of the double sink might be the equivalent of finding a unicorn.

The last couple of things are small, but little changes that sometimes just need updating. I have had a tray on my ottoman for a long time which functions as my “coffee table”, and always struggled with the stack of books and things that ends up on it. When I moved I put these 2 spire things (I don’t even know what they are) on the tray and it dawned on me the other day to use them as book ends!?! And stand some books up,ones I am currently reading (#Girlboss, Savor, 31 Days of Prayer for the Dreamer + The Doer, a journal and notepad). Can’t believe I hadn’t done this before!?! At the beginning of the year I bought one of those daily crosswords, which of course I don’t complete every day, but having it in my living room I think I will put my phone down more often and use my brain a little more…maybe. 🙂

Last, these 2 signs used to hang in my desk area of my old house, but just didn’t fit in new space. BUT, there’s a little bit of wall space in my laundry room and they fit perfect right there. And, since I recently told my Mom I wasn’t sure if I put laundry detergent in a load of laundry or not, I thought maybe appropriate it here too. Again, imperfect is great delight!