…random thoughts and goings on…
I saw this in a magazine the other day…
I love denim on denim and would wear it way more often if my job allowed, because jeans are my favorite. In fact, just Sunday afternoon I paired denim on denim with cutoffs and my long standing favorite boyfriend (from the men’s department) Gap pearl-snap. I wore it with a pair of Keds slip ons, taking me back to my childhood. However, not sure I wore Garanimals because as I’ve looked back on pictures I wore a lot of my brother’s hand-me-downs balanced with ruffles on dresses and bonnets that my Mom handmade and also helped me to accessorize.
My little nieces though, we were all about Garanimal-style dressing them, anything pink and purple and it all mixed and matched, even with their cowboy boots.
I had an adventure last week, a result of the recent floods in Houston and living close to a Bayou…after backing my car in my garage I was getting out and saw something move from the corner of my eye…
I. Do. Not. Do. Snakes.
This was no “grass snake” and all I know was it was an ALIVE snake and I needed HELP! I knocked on one neighbors door who didn’t answer, went to another one and rang that doorbell, even though it was after 9, and he came out. This kind man, #carriesamancard, and picked up that snake (you see it coming out of my garage) BARE HANDED. HERO status! Saved my life. Thank you God for him. I’m not sure what I would have done next, but probably called 911 and hoped the Fire Department down the street would come to my rescue.
If you’re wondering, he says it was a hog nose…it was about 3′ long and black and ALIVE is what kind of snake it was. |
Over the weekend I sat on my porch a bit (after making sure there were no snakes on the porch), and wasted some time on my couch if we’re being honest, but most of that time was reading the majority of this book until I finished it, and none of that time was wasted. {Especially if we consider I was recovering from THE snake incident.} If you’ve grown up in the south you will appreciate these salty stories that are laced with sweet memories and will occasionally bring tears and also make you laugh out loud. I can’t wait for
Sophie’s next book, Giddy Up Eunice, which if I’m judging strictly by it’s cover, is sure to be another favorite based on title alone.

As the calendar turned to May, it brought a little sting, that today, the 2nd, marked 3 months without my little Barney. I was out on a walk this evening, there’s dogs everywhere along the trails, and the cutest little golden-doodle puppy was out for a walk with her humans. She had such a personality and smile, it reminded me of B, and I missed him and was thinking about him as I walked away and looked at the time, it was just after 6:09, when his life ended here…and maybe that little dog was a smile from above. It seems every time I see a dog that really catches my eye it is a mini-golden-doodle. WHY ARE THEY $2,000?!?!! UGH. So, if you ever hear of a sale on golden-doodles, I’m interested. I am a bargain shopper after all. Or a rescue puppy…
That is one of my all time favorite pictures with my Mama and little B.
Speaking of Mama, this weekend is Mother’s Day and if you know someone who is part of the village that helps you mother or if you’re longing to mother and are part of a mom’s village, this is an encouraging read by Annie Downs, {
click here}.
I had never really thought much about Mother’s Day in this regard, until last year when a friend who intentionally celebrated me with the kindest words in a card, signed by her and her children and a thoughtful very “me” small gift, calling me a significant part of their village. I love those children tremendously and their family is a precious gift to me and I am so thankful for them and so many others who’s village I get to be a part of. Annie has written great books, including a favorite Let’s All Be Brave, and has a new book out Looking for Lovely which is on my list.
Before I go…in case you missed it…recent posts on the blog…
Social Responsibility, what we’re teaching Millennials {
click here}
Lately in Lettering, including the reveal of these canvases {
click here}
And a few things I’ve worn early spring including to Rodeo Houston {
click here}
Blessings to you in the week ahead,