Monday Musings ~ Remember
…a few thoughts, a little scattered…
This morning as I was in a haste to get ready for church (read: dog woke me up at 8:28 and I typically leave for church at 8:45) I hadn’t picked out anything to wear. When I looked in my closet, this skirt came to mind, one I don’t think I’ve even worn in last couple of years, but one I really like so I have hung onto it.
My church has been in the midst of a series “Together: Why We Gather” which has been great teaching on principles of church gathering. Today concluded the series and the topic was worship, as in singing songs worship.
As I threw on my clothes and headed out the door to church I thought about the last time I had worn this outfit. I was a date to an engagement party, it was the evening after my car was stolen in the afternoon, despite the circumstances, we had a great time at the party. So many pictures were taken of us that night, but neither of us took a picture of us, so I have no pictures by which to remember that night.
As the preacher was teaching he talked about one of the 3 purposes in worship was to remember; what God has done and that our minds were wired for words, coupled with melody. How songs can connect you to experiences and lyrics can lead you to deep emotion of remembrance.
Several of my sweet friends gave me a compliment on my outfit today. Another sent an IG picture asking if that was the same skirt I had on. I told a couple of friends this has been in my closet, but it’s not been worn, I can remember exactly where I was when I wore it last.
But that was the past, and I can remember all the melodies God has given me since then.
The way he’s grown me and stretched me.
The people he’s gifted to my life.
The healing he’s done to my heart.
The lies I have overcome.
The new memories I have of the same things.
A picture to remember.
And, today looking back and looking forward, time has kept going.
I’ve dared to live my life, the one only meant for me.
I’m choosing to celebrate, for memories give stories.
And, stories make up my life.
And, my life story is a good one.
I love this! You live life well!
Thank you friend!