#write31days | October 10th
Last night I burned an english muffin in the toaster that set my fire alarm off. It’s safe to say that my mind is all over the place these last couple of days. Wrapping up my first MBA class this week, praying about a couple of specific opportunities, knocking out to-do list on the weekend while still having time with my people, canvas to paint, volunteer responsibilities and today marks 10 years since my sweet bestie Amy met Jesus which seemed to take over my mind all weekend.
Ten years stings, it’s significant and while I am filled with hope for the promise of eternity, there are still days my heart is sad. Sometimes when I hang out with her sister (also a bestie) and her family it pains my heart that her littles will never know their Aunt Amy. They do things that remind me so much of Amy every now and then, little gifts that she is not forgotten and that God remembers to show off and remind us He sees our hurts.
Yesterday morning as I was getting ready for church I was thinking about God and how He IS in the business of showing off, doing miracles and to continue to believe that with all of my heart. From what sometimes seems tiny to us, just a minor detail, to what seems equivalent to the parting of the Red Sea. He does those things if we are watching. Yesterday in church we sang lyrics to specific song I just wrote about, reminding me, again, that we are never alone. We don’t sing that song every Sunday and there’s a myriad of songs we could have sang, but in the midst of writing about being S I N G L E, to have those lyrics sung together with my church was sweet.
I was disappointed Friday night and sometimes when I think my Mom might be the only one reading my blog, several people asked me about my test over the course of the weekend. The mention of my test was just one line in the midst of a blog post, but so kind for them to check in on me. Thankfully, I got 10 hours of sleep Friday night and Saturday I felt fine about my test score. I know reading 2 books, 10+ articles, watching 6 weeks of lecture and 7 weeks of in class activity to recall for a test is not my strength. It never has been. Then I remembered that the tests I needed to pass that set me on a whole new course to work in education were so far out of my comfort zone and I passed them with flying colors, confirming I was right where I needed to be. And, that God was in the details. I had prepared extensively, I wasn’t blindly praying to pass, though it felt like a miracle to pass, especially English content test when reading comprehension is not my skill. Thankfully for everyone I didn’t teach English! 🙂
Oftentimes I can let little moments go by that are well orchestrated, out of my control and a gift to my life and never recognize, nor give thanks for them. If it’s something big, of course I am thankful and prayerful in recognizing God’s sovereignty over my life. I went back and read about the parting of the Red Sea today, which is in the chapter of one of my very favorite verses I often repeat to myself:
I don’t know what all is going on for you, maybe it seems insignificant after a good night of sleep, or maybe it seems like you need the Red Sea to part.
Trust in Him to guide you and to give you exactly what you need, which might be a period of still and silent but doesn’t mean He is not still working for you. To rest in Him is being prayerful in what pains and troubles you and that might be being S I N G L E, or a host of other things happening on any given day in your life and mine.
Love this and love you!! ����
Angie – I love your blog, your writing and art, and most importantly how much you love Jesus! You give me "food for thought". Sending hugs from California,
And, the same right back to you friend! Plus now we are hair twins! Yay! 🙂 xo