Commit 30: February
In case you missed it in January, I’m taking 2017 in 30 day increments (well, sometimes 30, or 31 or 28 this month) and committing to something for 30 days.
You can click (here) to read January…30 days of No Shopping!
So February, was all about S E L F.
This was an acronym for me….
S – soda, but let’s be honest, “coke”, which really means Dr. Pepper
A fountain Dr. Pepper is one of my favorite treats. I will often forego other snacks or sweets in favor of a fountain drink. I don’t really love canned or bottled drinks, so don’t keep Dr. Pepper at home. (Though I did try the Dr. Pepper 10 recently, and it’s not very good, in case you were wondering.) I don’t want to quit drinking DP all together, there’s sometimes I just really love having a coke. But, this month I made a conscious decision to really limit Dr. Pepper. I think I maybe had 4 or so drinks, which is impressive considering I had road trips this month and a gas station fountain DP is my favorite!
E – exercise
I walk nearly every day anywhere from 2 – 3 miles, but don’t go to the gym or anything outside of that. I have a yoga mat and weights and such at home, but they don’t get brought out often. I committed this month to doing a plank every day and then halfway through February I added on some weights and squats. My goal was to end the month with a 3:00 plank and I did it! Easy way to not watch the clock and work on the plank, set the stopwatch and click over to social media page to scroll for a few minutes.
L – lotion
Yep. Lotion. Put on lotion every day, on my face at night and on my skin. This is one of those little tasks that I don’t do often in the winter and then I suffer from really dry skin. So, I just included it in my commitment for this month. Sometimes, simple things like this are the ones we put off, but really just take literally less than a minute and are good for us. So many other things this could apply for.
F – floss
No, dentist, I don’t floss every day. (Gold star to you if you do, but I’m just keeping it real that I don’t floss every single day.) But, I did this month! And, should have this habit now well established to keep doing it every day. I read an article once (can’t find it to reference) comparing flossing to other disciplines in life….you don’t see the effects of neglect immediately, but over time, you’ll start to notice them, and damage starts to occur. That’s in relationships, marriages, families, commitments, etc.. All the things we should take time to make sure we attend to, but often times let them slide. I thought about this every night when I was flossing. And, I certainly have plenty of discipline I can work on.
So, that was my Commit for February.
Now for March.
Stay tuned for the end of month reveal.
What would you commit to for 30 days?
I have several things I have thought of, but would love to hear some other ideas.
Spoiler Alert: October will be #write31days.
Yes, I’m already thinking about a topic.
It’s good discipline in all aspects of life.
Stay in touch…
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