2017. Every day. (03.12.17)
Sunday I went to church, then out to a Rodeo contest and then made it home for some couch time late afternoon. I think Auggie was glad to have me home too. Also, this week is Spring Break week! Amen!! But, I do have to set the alarm a couple of mornings.
{03.12.17 – Bonus}
Every year in Texas when the warm weather starts showing up more consistently, the chatter about the heat and such starts. But, every year during Rodeo Houston there will be one more cold snap, and it happened to be this weekend, even though the Rodeo was later this year. It was still super cold, for south Texas and I got another wear out of my TJ Maxx Patagonnia bargain coat!
Nothing says Spring Break fun like $1000 trip to the Endontist and Dentist. #saidnooneever However, if you have to have a root canal, she was an amazing Dr and never did the shots hurt or she hurt me during the whole procedure. I’ve long heard horror stories of root canals, so was pretty nervous going into this one…but, thankfully it wasn’t bad at all. In fact, I was able to go browse the giant Home Goods/TJ Maxx right down the road after. #priorites
Tuesday night I participated in one of my favorite Rodeo Houston events, the Lil Rustlers Rodeo hosted by the Special Children’s Committee. I met this sweet girl, who’s favorite color is pink, and my rodeo clown costume immediately caught her attention! So grateful to get to volunteer for events like this through the Rodeo, and it is such a blessing to see these kids having so much fun! Also, Tuesday morning I had a follow up Dentist appointment, that didn’t go quite as smoothly as Monday. In fact, the shots had me in tears and my mouth was pretty sore after. But, thankfully I was able to rally for this event.
{03.14.17 – Bonus}
Just the little Auggie dog hanging out.
One of my very favorite things to do on a holiday is meet for breakfast, so was so glad to get to meet my school bestie that I taught with and her littles for breakfast and a 2-hour visit mid-morning. Such a treat.
There aren’t too many people I keep up with from High School, but KK was my bestie growing up, we were pretty inseparable in High School. She came down to the rodeo with her husband and daughter (the 2 boys were otherwise busy) and it was great fun to spend most of the evening with them. Also, for all my Rodeo Houston years, I’ve never had a pic in the barrel photo station! #firstimeforeverything
{03.16.17 – Bonus}
Speaking of High School, when I was a Senior I won the title of Walker County Fair and Rodeo Queen in my hometown. Friday night prior to crowing we were in the rodeo grand entry and I can remember Boyd Polhamus (photo below, right) announcing the contestants, and then on Saturday night again in the rodeo grand entry Boyd introduced me for the first time as the 1994 Walker County Fair and Rodeo Queen. It’s always a treat to get to see Boyd while he’s in town announcing Rodeo Houston. Every year we laugh and tell stories of the WCFA rodeo days, it was a great PRCA rodeo back then and I have so many great memories from those days! Thank you to my friend Dan for connecting me to say hello to Boyd a few nights a year.
Got to have lunch with 2 of my college besties, we were missing one from our group who was away for a church retreat. And, ironically, we met on the very same day last year!
{03.17.17 – Bonus}
Friday night we had a committee gathering in the Rodeo Wine Garden, these are a few of the people I get to volunteer with for 21 contests JCC hosts during Rodeo Houston!
Little Auggie headed up to the 4G for a couple of days. He’s getting more relaxed in the car, and will lay down some now. But, getting started and when we exit the freeway, he’s up and looking around, riding shotgun like a boss.