
It’s become this year’s “busy”. Have you thought about how many things you answer “crazy”?
How’s work? Crazy.
How’s school for your kids? Crazy.
How are your kids? Crazy.
How’s your schedule? Crazy.
How’s your spouse’s ________? Crazy.
How’s your home? Crazy.
How’s ________. Crazy.
No matter what’s being asked it’s the answer I found myself giving and the word I hear constantly on repeat is “crazy”.
Are all of those things really “full of cracks and flaws”, “not mentally sound”? It doesn’t sound like the “distracted with desire or excitement” or “absurdly fond” definition in these instances.
Yes, a global pandemic has made 2020 different. It isn’t a dumpster fire. It’s caused us to lose the comfort in our well condition and liked “normal” and pushed us to adjust when it wasn’t our choice. (So many more thoughts on this.)
My recent challenge to myself has been to eliminate “crazy” as an answer to any question. It’s the same as a few years ago when I quit using “busy”. Think about your actual emotions and use those words, your people are available to hear your real feelings.
How’s work? It’s been a different year, we are doing the best we can and trying to help.
How’s school for your kids? They miss/glad to see their friends. We are navigating ever changing learning the best we can.
How are your kids? Resilient. They are missing some things and we’ve had a great time doing _____.
How’s your schedule? Figuring out how to add back activities and what are priorities to spend time.
How’s your spouse ________? There are up and down days, but they are thriving in ______ and sometimes struggle with ______.
How’s your home? What’s the saying, “the mess is worth the memories”?
We’re living in that. [Or] It feels really quiet and I miss being able to see people.
How’s ________.
It’s not crazy.
Chaos is not of God.
2020 is not a surprise to God.
He is sovereign. Still.
He is crazy about us.
Because he is absolutely fond of us.
Let’s be crazy about pursuing Him in our day to day life and let go of “crazy” as our excuse.
Ephesians 2:10: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before hand, that we should walk in them.”
Zephaniah 3:17: “The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exalt over you with loud singing.”
If you need someone to listen to real, I will listen.
If you need someone to pray, I will pray.
Leave a comment-you don’t need to put any details, know I will be praying.
(Repost from Facebook Nov 19, 2020)

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