Home Tour: #everydaybedrooms

Welcome or Welcome back! Today I’m linking up with Kelly’s Korner for the Every Day Real Life Home Tours.  I love this #linkup because of these words from Kelly; “…I also like to just see real life normal homes.  Ones decorated on a budget and by moms of young kids who “can’t have nice things” or apartments where single girls live or a retired couple’s home.   I always want to just knock on doors of homes in my town and ask if I can have a tour.  I love to see how people live.” It’s not about perfect or designer, it’s just about home, every day. 
I fall into the “single girl in an apartment” category, so my space is small-ish, but perfect for me.  I recently moved and with moving always comes a little rearranging and if you come back here to my home again, you’ll see the living is also the dining and the dining is also the living and the living is also the office, and the office is  also the living.  #openconcept 🙂 
I received this towel as a gift and it is a favorite, know someone who would love it? {click here}
Today is all about bedrooms or {Master Bedrooms}.  My latest move happened over a few days, as I was commuting into work which was close to my new place I would leave with my car loaded down and unload it at the new place, organize for a bit then go back to the old place. This worked out well because I had major unpacking of bookshelves {see living room post} and bathroom was completely finished as well as my closet.  So, the first order of business on furniture moving day was to get the bed made. There’s no tired like moving tired, especially after doing it for several days by yourself. When the bed is made for first night in the new place I start to feel like it is home.  So, despite many other things being a wreck, my Mama put the sheets on for me and I was so thankful to see my bed that first night.  
As things started to make their way on the wall I hung my old ceiling tile that’s been with me through many years and makeovers of bedding decor
Then this summer I picked up a lightweight white quilt on clearance at Home Goods since the comforter is pretty warm and hello Texas summer temperatures. So, this is the “final” look of my bedding post move.  
One hidden update under all those pillows…new pillows that I actually sleep on.  What a difference new pillows make! New on the right, old on the left…these are no fancy pillows, I’m pretty much a can sleep anywhere on any mattress kind of girl, so HomeGoods Ralph Lauren pillows have been great for me! 
My jewelry sits on top of my chest and a variety of displays are my “storage”, here’s a little sampling….of course I also have words in my bedroom. 
The chest is actually a “gentleman’s chest” that I bought unfinished; I painted it and added knobs myself.
Here’s the window view, my curtains are layered, gray, print and sheers. There’s lots of sunlight into my bedroom like the living room. The hanging crown was a gift from a friend and my dresser holds heirloom family photos in a variety of black and white antiqued frames. 
And, in the morning light….
The same day I picked up the new white quilt I found a new shower curtain that really brightens up the bath. Here’s a look into the updated bath….
…and even though they aren’t technically the same, the print on the shower curtain and my bedding go together. 
Of course there are words on these walls too, and here’s a few in my bathroom, where there was a big empty wall. The door actually would be better hung opposite than what it is, but that’s the kind of change you make when you own the place, not rent it. So, in the rental you just put words on the wall.  And, God loves you when you dance. Sometimes a dance party breaks out in here when a favorite song comes on and I’m getting ready to head out the door!  ðŸ™‚ 
Thank you for stopping by, if you’ve missed the previous link ups, click for {Living Rooms} and {Dining Rooms}.  Stay in touch via Facebook and Instagram


  1. Our Life at 31-derful! on July 3, 2016 at 7:32 am


  2. Debbie on July 7, 2016 at 7:07 pm

    Very nice. I love your bedding. The summers are really hot here in Texas.

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