2017. Every day. (04.02.17)

 I love taking pictures, the every day, the mundane, the big, the fun, the celebrating, even the hard. Images I want to remember.  So, this year, I’m documenting my everyday. A photo a day for my FB/IG and then writing the stories of each on my blog weekly. 
So, welcome to (April) 2017!

This week could be summarized as “by myself”….

After a weekend out of town I had some MBA catching up to do and a paper due Sunday night. This is the view from sitting at my computer no matter what I’m working on, usually there are a couple of toys right beside me as well for rounds of fetch.

{04.02.17 – Bonus}
Sunday included a lazy morning, before getting ready and attending the memorial service for one of my bestie’s mom. I have a hard time with funerals, but, showing up in moments like this is what matters most.  I’m grateful for my besties and fierce about those friendships; oftentimes just showing up is the greatest things a friend can do for me, and I try to do that for my friends. Even on the hard days when you feel like you’d rather not have to show your face.

Social media is a funny thing, it’s interesting to me what posts get comments and which ones get nothing.  And, apparently my friends like cereal for dinner or late night snacks too.  For me it was dinner. I had a big work lunch, so wasn’t really hungry. This is also #singlegirl perks. 🙂

{04.03.17 – Bonus}
Monday night I spent time at my desk again, catching up on my blog and after a 3 mile walk, Auggie was crashed out while I was working. 

My current MBA class has a quiz every week, so I’m usually reading after work before class so the material is fresh for me.  If you’ve read here long, you’ve maybe read that reading comprehension was never my scholastic achievement and I require notes and studying and re-reading and more. So far so good though, I’ve made 100’s on those quizzes. Auggie’s expression pretty much sums up my thoughts on these quizzes.

{04.04.17 – Bonus}
Aside from class on Tuesday I was home every night of the week, and I think Auggie was pretty happy about that, and long walks too! Also, I love the portrait setting on my iPhone!! #framer
The entire week was gorgeous blue skies and as I left a meeting headed back to work I was stopped to turn and looked over to see these flags, so beautiful blowing in the wind. I had to snap a pic. We can often get caught up in the politics and wrongs of the days, but we are so blessed to live under this flag, and that flag still stands for freedom. I’m grateful every day for those who fought and fight for our freedom.

{04.05.17 – Bonus}
Fun floral shoes vs. blah conference room carpet. 
In case you missed it, lots of what I wore is on my blog, click here. 
Thursday evening I was home and had the door open enjoying cool evening and the sunset.  I love  this view and definitely enjoyed the week with lots of home time and down time. 
{04.06.17 – Bonus}
Yep, it’s Auggie again. Just me and him this week. He naps so hard.
I love a nap on Friday after work, but I might love a massage even better.
{04.07.17 – Bonus}
Wild Friday night.  Sometimes Auggie looks big, but he’s really pretty small and every now and then climbs up in this spot on the couch and naps.
Highlight Day. I love the hair salon, no one makes you feel better about yourself than the hair washing ladies. This pic response is funny, “can’t believe you put that as a pic”; hey this is my year of a photo a day, and this is one of my favorite treats – usually twice a year.  So, lookout, another one of these might appear in November or so. 🙂 
{04.08.17 – Bonus}
Saturday I had nothing planned before my hair appointment, so sat on my patio with coffee, breakfast and magazines for a couple of hours and soaked up the perfect spring day. This was also the 2nd Saturday of 2017 I was home with pretty much nothing planned, except my hair appointment.
I went to the pool for a bit in the afternoon and finished this book, which I started last year at the pool. Not sure why I never finished it, but I’ve read a bunch of books in between. This is one of the top 5 books I’ve read in life. Definitely recommend it.
So many great points about people needing people.  Not just as couples/romantic relationships, but just needing community and people in general. And, needing God. It’s how we were created to live. This was one of my favorite paragraphs and one of several corners I turned down in this book, mostly because I didn’t have a highlighter at the pool.
And, Auggie was super cute on the porch, so here’s a couple of bonus favs of him from Saturday….
Thank you for reading, and would love for you to stay in touch!
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