2017 Every day. (10.01.17)

I love taking pictures, the every day, the mundane, the big, the fun, the celebrating, even the hard. Images I want to remember.  So, this year, I’m documenting my everyday. A photo a day for my FB/IG and then writing the stories of each on my blog weekly.


Sunday was a treat in the nursery!  One of my girls from my Discipleship group in 13-14 has a new baby and it was her first Sunday in the nursery! I was so glad it was my day to volunteer for her first day!  She was a little angel and slept the entire service, even though I tried to send her telepathic messages to wake up so I could hold her!  Just kidding….we love sleeping babies who get to take their naps and their parents get to enjoy church!  So thankful for this little baby girl, she’s a gift after a lot of prayers!

Sunday night I had a fun dinner with girls from my Plexus team, some who I had only met on Facebook, and were fun to meet in real life!


Monday morning I got to work and hadn’t turned on the news or looked at any headlines, so I was shocked to hear of the tragedy in Las Vegas.  I flipped my work calendar to October and this month’s words seemed fitting.  Somehow that we can continue to hope in the promise of a new day and end the days with peace.


Our work cafeteria sells Snickers and we are always on the lookout for fun new words.  Lately there has been sarcastic, hot mess, rowdy, ferocious and edgy. There are a few of us who will buy a Snickers surprise treat for someone else when we find a good word that is fitting, sometimes because of personality, sometimes because of a situation going on at work and sometimes just because it’s funny.

Sometimes when I’m working on homework, blogging or Plexus at night it’s hard for me to get up because I hate to disturb the little sleeping Auggie dog.  Ha!


#nationaltacoday  Thank you to our department guru assistant we always know what the national days are and of course we couldn’t pass up a cafeteria field trip for breakfast tacos on Wednesday morning!


Thursday was a mix of emotions…work, a funeral for a sweet friend’s father and out to one of my very favorite places, Texas Antiques Week. And, I got to have lunch with my Mama and the little Auggie dog is was pretty excited to see her and head to the 4G for a couple of days!  I’m grateful for my parents always being willing to keep my little pup, and I don’t have to board him when I’m gone for a couple of days.


Two Friday’s a year I take off work and spend the days in the fields of Antiques Week, working in the kitchen at Zapp Hall Cafe and browsing a few booths as well. This has been a long standing tradition for me, my time spent here has changed through the years, but there’s one place I’ve come every year and little did I know 10+ years ago what Grandbud Lane would come to mean to me.  Indeed, we are Texas Strong for so many reasons.


Saturday is pretty much a repeat of Friday, back at Antiques Week. A few of my friends were missing in the kitchen this weekend, so I was glad to see my Bestie when she came out on Saturday morning for a bit.  We walked a few fields, hit some shops and chatted for a bit.  We make up 50% of our college girls group, and certainly missed the other two this year!

Find all of this month’s posts here:  #write 31 days |October 2017

Thank you for reading, and would love for you to stay in touch!



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