#write31days | October 29

Sunday Sabbath 

If you’ve been following along this month, I’ve written on Sundays about ways I find rest.  It isn’t always by sleeping, sometimes doing gives me rest as well.

But, sometimes mindless activities gives me rest.

ie:  Hallmark Movies.  🙂

Say what you want. Predictable. Unrealistic. Cheesy. Bad actors.

Blah blah blah.

I hear none of you.

Know why I love Hallmark movies?

Because the world is so oppressed, sometimes I need a heart and mental break, and I enjoy a good happy ending mindless Hallmark movie! And, we’re in the best season of Hallmark movies.  Fall has released new movies and Christmas movies started this weekend!  Hooray!

In case you need to have a little happy in your life, save this, and set your DVR.

I’ve also talked to lots of friends who say they watch Hallmark movies as a family. In a TV world that leaves much to be desired as appropriate, Hallmark movies can be great for your family and tween kiddos.  So, maybe you also need to check in and rest with your family and a simple movie is a great way to spend some time together plus, your favorite snacks.  Tip: DVR them, and they are about 1:15 minutes long!

Ironic part about this whole post? I really don’t love movies.  I don’t love going to the movies. I think movies are way overpriced.  I don’t think too many movies are really THAT good.  But, a Hallmark movie or two on a day I can take some time and check out for a bit, I do enjoy!

Sometimes I wake up as they are ending too…which brings me back to the first Sunday Sabbath post of naps.

No matter what it is for you, find time to rest.  We’re better for it.




  1. Laurie S on October 30, 2017 at 2:15 pm

    Love Hallmark movies… especially the Christmas ones… I’m watching both channels – regular and Movies and Mysteries… they are staggered – one channel starts on even hours (4pm, 6pm…) the other on odd hours… how am I supposed to keep up?!

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