Commit 30: September

In case you missed it in January, I’m taking 2017 in 30 day increments (well, sometimes 30, or 31 or 28) and committing to something for 30 days.

September: 30 days of LIFE!

So, Harvey hit Houston, life kind of turned upside down for a few days and my schedule was beating me. I decided this month, was just 30 days of intentionally living my life.  Here’s what that looked like in pictures from Auggie’s life, because, let’s be honest, puppy pictures are happy pictures! 🙂

There were some days I intentionally rested.  I know that I need time with “nothing to do”, of course there’s always “something to do”, but I know myself and that I need time intentionally carved out with nothing to do.  So, I rested some this month. That usually looked like procrastinating on homework, but it was a break that I needed.

There were some hard days that I really would have liked to hidden under the table, or the covers or just stayed within the 4 walls of my house and not had to face the world.  I made some mistakes, I had to ask for help, my character was attacked, and some days I would have preferred to just stay under the table. Seems like that is a safe place some times.

I did lots of reading in September and, a lot of writing.  Reading case studies, articles and writing responses and action plans. And, reading a book called Spreadsheet Modeling for Decision Making which is as exciting as you might think it is.  It is really like reading a language I don’t understand backwards at times.  Then all the sudden something clicks, and I perk up. I  tried to take my reading outside on days that were nice for a different location than at my table or desk and a change of pace.

I had several breakfasts, lunches and dinners with people that are besties, part of groups I’m member of, family and mentors. Those meals filled me up physically and metaphorically.  It is no secret I LOVE the table, and if you really want to connect, this is my favorite way. I’m grateful for so many times I was able to be at the table with people who matter to me this month.

I walked nearly every day. In the beginning of the month post Harvey, those were my moments of fresh air and sanity in what had been chaos. I process life walking, and jogging, so this month I did a lot of praying and thinking and dreaming on walks with Auggie. He does a lot of smiling and that seems to bring delight to those we pass on the trail. #winwin

I said “no” to some things I really wanted to do.  But, I just couldn’t. I don’t like to say no. I want to do ALL THE THINGS. It is literally impossible, and right now I have to focus on the things that are my “yes” and let the other things go. Without guilt or shame of myself, which is often hard. However, after I say “no”, I’m always glad I did. In another season, there will be different “yes’s” and “no’s” and those will be good then, too.  Balance of life is elusive, but choosing and intentionality can be accomplished well.

September has literally had all the feels.  And, I’m grateful for them.  That is what makes a life rich, challenging, engaging and dependent on Jesus who is the only One that sustains through each day.

So, that was my Commit for September.

30 days of LIFE.

Now for October.

What would you commit to for 30 days?
I have several things I have thought of, but would love to hear some other ideas.

Spoiler Alert: October will be #write31days.

It’s good discipline in all aspects of life.
January…30 days of No Shopping: click (here) to read!
February…30 days of SELF: click (here) to read!
March…30 days of Outfits: click (here) to read!
April…30 days of Letter Writing: click (here) to read!
May…30 days of Jogging: click (here) to read!
June…30 days of Reading: click (here) to read!
July…30 days of no Dr. Pepper: click (here) to read!
August…30 days of crossing things off the list: click (here) to read!


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